Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mystery surrounding tarot

More often than not, I see a look of curiosity in people's eyes when I talk about tarot. The normally assume that tarot is a form of an occult where a woman wearing a long robe and open flowing hair with mean eyes looks at a some cards which look like playing cards to tell you your future and scare the withs out of you!

And all I can do is smile to myself. Tarot, though old in origins is more practised in the west than in the orient. Being from India, I know that astrology is the predominant form of fortunetelling and other form is mistaken for astrology.

Astrology is based on reading of your birth charts and the star under which you were born. In tarot, the reading is done on the basis of which cards you pick. I , personally believe that it is necessary to be there in person for your own reading as your aura is reflected on the cards too.

Tarot involves a more intutive based reading. You need to have a very strong intution power to be able to do tarot. Also, how you link up the cards to make it a seamless chain of events is important.


Lakshmi said...

Nice Blog Jalpa. Hope to see more about Tarrot Reading in your blog.

Unknown said...

Hey Jalpa...just passing by and cheking out your blog. very interesting..i think i learned alot about tarots today. Keep it coming...and hey maybe one day you can read waht the carsd have in store for me!

Unknown said...

Hey Jalpa...just passing by and checking out your blog. very interesting i must say...i learnt a lot about Tarot cards today. keep it coming and maybe one day you can tell me what the cards have in store for me.